Cebupac 'Barkada Traveling is Budget Traveling' Tip!

Cebu Pacific shares some tips on traveling with your barkada!

And yes, barkada traveling is budget traveling!

See below tips and share with your family and friends:

Barkada Traveling is Budget Traveling

1. Book your accommodations together -  If you are traveling with your barkada, why not share the same room to save? What's good here is that you can get bigger rooms with better amenities at less the cost!

2. Eat different kind of food and split the bill to the group later - In order to eat different kinds of dishes, talk with your friends, choose different food and split the bill ater. More types of dishes, more fun eating!

3. Shared Transportation - Instead of paying per person for the tricycle or boat, why not charter a jeep or van together?

Hit SHARE if you are looking forward to a fun-filled barkada outing! Keep in mind that you can budget when traveling! Enjoy!

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Disclaimer: Photo from CebuPacific Facebook Page
Cebupac 'Barkada Traveling is Budget Traveling' Tip! Cebupac 'Barkada Traveling is Budget Traveling' Tip! Reviewed by I Love Masbate on 8:37:00 PM Rating: 5

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